This is the second part of the interview Mark and Steve conducted with retail trader JJ aka vwaptrader1.
In the first part of this interview JJ shared stories of his time as a Penny Stocks MarketMaker in a world immortalised in the movie ‘Wolf of Wall Street’. JJ talked about his rise and fall in that world and some of the scandalous behaviours and practices which were part of that world. He also detailed his move into retail trading, his initial struggles and the shock to the system being ‘on the other side’.
In the latter part of this interview, JJ goes far more into the soul of retail trading. He discusses the concept of tape reading and how this ancient art is still the skill which lies at the core of trading. This led to a more detailed talk with JJ opening up about what he learned about himself through trading and how it tested him by sparking the demons within.
This was a fascinating chat which moved towards discussions on personal psychology, ego, dealing with stress and anxiety, using practices to help you cope with this and the value of having a support network around you.
This chat will prove insightful and informative to traders at all levels who will recognise many of JJ’s own experiences and to new and novice retail traders keen to learn some of the potential pitfalls and challenges which they need to be aware of.